Heyhhoo.. this is the first time Ceritaperut go on show outside the country *noraks* --sedihnya di event pertama Ceritaperut ini saya ga bisa ikutan :(( Tapi tanpa saya pun booth Ceritaperut di Techinasia Singapur kali ini tetep kece dan mampu menarik minat banyak calon investor. Always happy to see my baby grow bigger and bigger. Hopefully this year doi bisa nemuin jodoh berikutnya aminnnn.... Most of it, Ceritaperut is really proud to bring Indonesia culinary to the world. Seeking for people that adore food as much as we do! *crossfingers
Beberapa tahun lalu sama sekali ga kebayang gimana caranya menerbangkan orang tua ke Eropa, tapi seperti apa kata pepatah bilang "There is a will, there is a way!" Itu memang benar. Happy berat and so proud!
May 2023
AboutNothing brings people together like good food |